Testimonials are social proof that we do a good job for our customers and clients. They make it easier for new prospects to trust us, and … let’s admit it … it’s pretty nice to hear good things about ourselves.
So why is it so hard to ask for testimonials?
A stumbling block for many professionals is our own personal ego. We may feel that it’s beneath us to ask … Shouldn’t a happy customer just volunteer to give a glowing testimonial without us asking?
But it’s not personal … This is business. And asking for testimonials needs to be just another everyday business task.
Here are 5 Easy Ways to Ask For and Get Testimonials from your customers and clients:
1. When you see a comment in an email, ask to use it as a testimonial.
For example, my coaching client Elizabeth sent me an email that included this: “I can’t THANK YOU enough! Thanks again for your help and the spirit you bring to conversations. You helped inspire me and reconnect me with myself, and I cannot express my gratitude enough.”
I’m guessing you get comments like this in emails from customers and clients, too. Train yourself to see them as testimonials and ask to use them as such. You’re not even asking your happy client to actually DO anything that they haven’t already done … making it completely easy for them to say, “Yes.”
2. When you see a comment or someone mentions you on social media, ask to use it as a testimonial.
Similar to email … this is training yourself to take something that’s already been said — publicly — and asking to use it as a testimonial. And just like email, this is easy for a customer to agree to.
3. Implement a system to request feedback from customers and clients.
Systems are good because they become automatic. So develop a customer satisfaction survey that you send on a regular basis. Put a request for feedback on your customer statements and invoices. Encourage feedback with a widget on your newsletter.
Whatever system you choose, don’t just think about it … Implement it! And you’ll start getting feedback that you can use as testimonials.
4. Establish a quick end-of-job/point of delivery interview or survey.
Your customers and clients are most pleased and have the strongest emotions immediately after they receive your product or service, making this the very best time to get powerful responses. So using an interview or survey at that point in your customer lifecycle is an easy way to get comments that you can then turn into testimonials.
5. Take a quick and simple video.
If you’re face-to-face with your customer or client when they start saying things that would make a good testimonial, get out your phone and ask to record a quick and simple video (assuming that you have video capabilities on your phone … which most of you probably do).
Once you have the video, you can upload it to your website as well as any social sites that your business uses. Also be sure to transcribe what your client said on the video so that you have it in writing as well.
Some Additional Things to Consider …
Most customers and clients are happy to help you by giving a testimonial, but they may not be sure of what to say. So help them help you!
- Ask specific, leading questions that elicit the response that you’re looking for.
- Ask what they would tell someone else who may be on the fence about investing in your product or service.
- Ask for specific results they achieved from using your product or service.
The bottom line is simply this … ASK!
The more you get into the habit of asking for testimonials, the easier and more natural it becomes.
Your turn … Do you have another easy way of asking for and getting testimonials that I didn’t mention? Share it in a comment below!
Michele Peterson is a direct response marketing strategist, copywriter, and coach. Call her at (559) 286-0106 to request a consultation. And be sure to join her mailing list to receive additional marketing tips, insights and updates.
This post is a great read for everyone looking forward to getting testimonials from their clients