If you haven’t already done so, take a look at the video embedded above … Notice anything different?
We’ve been talking about the powerful benefits of using online video, and I have a confession to make – I make this confession in the video, but it’s important enough to be in writing, too:
I was so focused – concentrating so much on providing you with valuable information and strong content – that I didn’t pay enough attention to the visual quality of my own videos!
Two colleagues whose opinions I value and trust reached out to let me know that I really should change my angle and not be backlit by the open window behind me. DUH!
This is a photography basic, and I totally KNOW this!
But I got to thinking that this is a good reminder of why it is always a good idea to solicit feedback! It was also a good reminder to properly INVEST in your marketing message … but that’s a topic for another time.
So feedback … ask for it! And then be gracious – don’t get defensive – when someone gives you their opinion.
On the flip side, don’t be afraid to offer your feedback to others. Share your expertise!
One of my friends was hesitant to tell me her observations … she didn’t want to offend me. I appreciate that concern, but I was thrilled that she cared enough to bring it to my attention.
By the way, I also want to be told when I have spinach in my teeth!
I thought about going back and reshooting those videos that had the bad lighting … but I decided against it. I recently saw a webinar that featured Mari Smith and Guy Kawasaki discussing Social Media trends, and one of the things they talked about was being “real” and authentic and showing your flaws – their term was that it is OK to be flawsome.
So I’m leaving the videos up as they are in testament to my flawsomeness!
I hope this has been helpful, and getting back to feedback … I’d love to have yours! Leave me a comment down below. I really would like to know what you think!