How My Client Turned $200 into $2,000
If I gave you $2,000 in return for $200, would you give me the $200?
Seriously. This is not a trick question …
If you gave me $200 and got $2,000 in return, would you give me the $200?
That’s a 900% return on your investment. You’d be crazy not to!
Those are the exact results that a client of mine just got from a single email that she sent to her existing client list of about 250.
Let me tell you about it, why it worked, and how you can get that kind of ROI from email, too …
My client is a solo-preneur — an independent insurance agent. She opened her agency three years ago specializing in personal lines of insurance (home, auto, and life). And she’s built a strong and loyal client base by providing really exceptional service.
Most of her clients have their home and auto policies through her, but not many had life insurance. She saw this as the opportunity that it is … to introduce a new product to clients who already know, like, and trust her.
So I wrote a 600-word email for her to send to her clients. It read like a personal letter that came from the heart. We told her clients why she felt so strongly about making life insurance awareness a priority, and we offered a free “How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?” worksheet to help her clients calculate how much money their families really would need if something were to happen to them.
She sent it to her list of 250 on a Monday afternoon. Not very many people opened it. So I suggested she send it again — the same email but with a different subject line — that weekend.
She sent it again mid-day on Sunday.
Here’s what happened:
• Of the 250 she sent it to, 5 people responded and downloaded the worksheet (2% response).
• Of the 5 who received the worksheet, 2 took the next step and requested a life insurance quote (40%).
• Both of them purchased a policy (100% close rate).
• My client’s additional revenue from those 2 policies — $2,000.
So even though she has a small email list and only a few people responded, she netted $1,800 from her $200 investment.
The email worked because she has a compelling reason why she’s focusing on life insurance awareness. And it worked because she was giving value before asking for anything in return.
It worked because she was giving value before asking for anything in return.
See, the free worksheet gave her clients the information and knowledge they need to take care of their families. It allowed them to self-select and pre-qualify themselves as hot prospects for the product. Instead of being “salesy,” it perfectly positioned her as someone who cares — as a “giver” rather than a “taker.”
Typically, I suggest having a 3-part email campaign, where the 3 emails build on each other and provide the 3 touches that it often takes to inspire action. And my client may have realized even better response if we had done so.
But even with a single email, sent twice, she’s happy with the results. You would be, too … right?
I’m telling you about my client’s success because I feel it’s my obligation to tell you what’s working right now for real people using online marketing to grow their businesses and to offer you the opportunity to do the same in your business.
So here’s my offer for you …
I will write a single email that you can send to your client list offering a free gift (like the free life insurance calculation worksheet) designed to allow your clients to self-select and pre-qualify themselves for a product or service that you’re promoting.
Your investment for that single email is $200.
I will write a 3-part email series that you can send to your list, offering the same free gift as discussed above and giving you the 3 “touches” that are proven to generate higher response than a single email.
Your investment for the 3-email package is $600 $500.
And if you need help creating your free gift, I can do that, too. I’ll give you a customized quote on that, depending on what you want your free gift to be.
To take me up on this offer, simply send me an email or call me at 559.286.0106 and we’ll get started.
Please, let me clarify a few things …
Yes, this will work for you even if you have a very small list.
Yes, this will work for you even if you don’t have a sophisticated email system in place. It will take some time, but you could copy and paste and send the email out to your database manually if you had to.
Yes, this will work and you will make money … as long as your product or service is priced so that the numbers make sense. For example:
• You should NOT try this if you have a very small list and the product or service you’re promoting is under $100. You may break even, but you may not have the numbers to realize a strong ROI from email.
• If your product or service is under $100 and you have a large list, where the numbers will support it, then this WILL work for you, too.
I’m eager to help you implement this simple strategy and get some cash flowing into your business. Call me today at 559.286.0106, and let’s get started.
Cheers … to your success!
P.S. After her initial success with the life insurance worksheet, my client is now using that worksheet as a lead magnet to attract new prospects. Her simple lead generation funnel looks like this: Facebook ad -> LeadPages opt-in landing page -> MailChimp 3-part autoresponder series.
The original email will become one of the 5 emails she sends to new clients as part of her new client welcome and onboarding system.
AND I helped her repurpose the email into a direct mail letter that she’s going to send along with the worksheet to her existing clients who didn’t respond to the email.
So while her immediate ROI was fantastic, she’ll continue to see increased revenue as she continues to use the copy as part of her ongoing marketing.
You can do this, too! Pick up the phone and call me at 559.286.0106. I look forward to working with you.