We hold these truths to be self-evident … Not all social media engagement is created equal.
If the purpose of your social media marketing is to engage and retain your customer base AND to reach new prospects, then you need to strategically publish content that gets shared.
Let’s face it … a “Like” takes almost no effort, no commitment from your audience. A simple click of the button or a tap on the screen. Sure, it will give you a metric (20 people “liked” that post) which will give you an indication of how engaged your tribe is, but a Like doesn’t do much to increase your reach to new prospects.
A “Comment” is a little better. It means your content touched someone enough to make them think and respond. They’re now actively engaged in your conversation, and, in turn, their “peeps” are exposed to the conversation, too. In being exposed to the conversation, these additional people are being exposed to you … being introduced to you.
A “Share” is the best. Now your tribe is acting as a brand ambassador on your behalf. They’re promoting your content (and you) within their own circle of influence. They’re publicly putting their own name behind your content. This is powerful stuff!
Like, Comment, Share … But the Greatest of These is Share!
Just as among Faith, Hope, and Love, the greatest is Love … among Like, Comment, and Share, the greatest is Share. All three are valuable in and of themselves, but you get the greatest benefit from social media shares.
So pay attention to the metrics for all three, but strive to create more posts similar to those that get the most shares. These are the ones that increase your reach and expose you to more of your potential new clients, customers, and club members. These are the ones that have the most effect on your bottom line.
In addition to simply creating and publishing shareable content (and I know, it’s not exactly “simple”), encourage your tribe to share that content! Most people are happy to help if they know what you’d like them to do. So ask them!
Your turn …
Do you have any tips for getting more of your content shared? Please tell me about them in a comment below.
And please share this post within your circle of influence! I appreciate it!
Until next time … Write On!